Monday, August 16, 2010

A few meeting ideas...

Here are a few ideas for RS Meetings you may want to consider.

This could be a way to help any sister get to the temple on a regular basis, and especially those sisters who who have difficulty getting there for various reasons.  Babysitting and carpooling could be offered, and you may consider offering it quarterly, or even monthly.

Empty Nesters
A time for those who no longer have children living at home to come enjoy dinner and good company.  

S.I.S.ter Day  (acronym for "Self-Improvement Saturday")
An alternative to what has been known in the past as Super Saturday.  A time to try a new skill, something new, or work on a project of your own.  Consider using sisters in your own ward, or at least in our stake as your instructors.

If your presidency & Bishop prefer to offer a traditional Super Saturday, keep in mind the guidelines in the RS Handbook.  

Here are a few project ideas that might peak your interest...

Fun with Jars  (Glass Etching, Gift Ideas, Take-Home Treat)  Showing how to use jars in various ways.  Tutorial link is HERE.

Picture Frame Dry Erase Board:
Using spray paint, fabric, and new (or old) picture frames.  Tutorial link is HERE.

Cafe Apron:
Taking a simple folded napkin, adding a waistband, and transforming it into a kitchen apron.  Great beginning sewing idea, as it is very easy.  Tutorial link is HERE.

Friday, August 13, 2010

LDS Beta Sites

The Church is testing new websites - "beta" sites.  This one contains touching videos concerning the humanitarian work going on around the world.  Many of these projects are not sponsored by the Church, but when their needs become known - the Church steps in and often helps them complete the work they have begun.

This site, along with so much information it contains - can be a great resource to show at a RS Meeting where humanitarian projects are being worked on.  Many people have access to projectors that will work along with a laptop.  Check out this site and see if these videos would motivate your sisters to participate in a humanitarian service project.

LDS Beta Site is HERE.