Thursday, October 14, 2010

Relief Society History - every sister encouraged to contribute

In the general Relief Society meeting on September 25, 2010, Sister Julie B. Beck taught, “Studying and applying the history of Relief Society gives definition and expression to who we are as disciples and followers of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” She announced that a history of Relief Society will be published in 2011. 

An exact date has not been determined for the release of this history. In the meantime, updates and additional information will be available on the Relief Society site of and on the visiting teaching message page of the Liahona and Ensign, where you will find excerpts from the history of Relief Society.

Sister Beck said, “As we move the Lord’s work forward, the history of Relief Society will continue to be written by faithful sisters throughout the world.

” For this reason, the Relief Society general presidency encourages you to record what is happening in your life. Though you might not feel that you are making history, sisters around the world can learn from you and your personal experiences

Consider recording:
  • Visiting teaching experiences.
  • How faith and personal righteousness is being increased.
  • How homes and families are being strengthened.
  • How the poor and needy are being sought out and blessed.
In your continuing efforts to fulfill the purposes of Relief Society, remember the following statement by Sister Beck: “Ultimately, the value of history is not so much in its dates, times, and places. It is valuable as it teaches us the principles, purposes, and patterns we are to follow, and it helps us to know who we are, what we are to do, and unites us in strengthening the homes of Zion and building the kingdom of God on the earth."

To watch a video of Sister Thompson addressing this topic - click on the caption below, and it will take you there.

Training Video - Relief Society History

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Making Your House a Home... an example of recording a RS Meeting

The 4th Ward is fortunate to have a RS Historian - Karen Palmer.  

She is at every meeting and event that happens with her camera.  

The 4th Ward has a history that has been kept for several years.  At the RS Birthdays in years past, the books have been displayed and the sisters have enjoyed looking back and remembering how things used to be.  Besides laughing at the hairstyles, changes in fashion, and if we were heavy/thin/old/young, etc... it is a reminder of the loving service that each sister has been a part of.  

Karen sent this to me so I could show you an example of a simple (uncomplicated) way to document a RS Meeting.  

(*I would love to have all wards send me their photos & descriptions 
of RS Meetings to post here... just asking!)

"Making Your House a Home"  
Decorating tips and tricks by Kris Stratton

Fortifying Your Home by Pat Moss. 

After these sisters, the following presented 
their thoughts on how to 
"Make Your Home a Haven"..

As a young family
Hayley Neider
During the teenage years
Kay Park 
As an empty nester
JoAnn Martin


During the 
grandparent /golden years  Sharlene Crosgrove 


4th Ward RS Meeting Coordinator - Teri Ross