Saturday, September 17, 2011

Daughters in My Kingdom

Dear Sisters of the River Stake;

By now, you've most likely heard of the new resource for Relief Society sisters.  It is a wonderful gift to each of us.  In case you haven't received your own copy yet (which you will be receiving from your ward leaders) - here are other ways to explore (and enjoy it) until you have it in your own hands.

Here is a segment of what you will find at the website (link) where you can take a look at this wonderful resource.

Daughters in My Kingdom website

In grateful recognition of the blessing of Relief Society in the lives of Church members, the First Presidency has directed the preparation of Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society.
The teachings, stories, and examples in this history book will guide you in establishing priorities and practices in your life that will help increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.

The history of Relief Society teaches the divine identity and infinite worth of daughters of God. It is a Spirit-filled story of strong, faithful, purposeful women who have served with little public recognition.            
As you study this history you will see that our Heavenly Father knows His daughters, that He loves them, that He trusts them with sacred responsibilities, and that He guides them as they fulfill those responsibilities.
You are encouraged to share the book with others. Church members of all ages may use the book as a reference in lessons, talks, council meetings, and at home.

Options for reading the book include:

  • Audio
  • PDF
  • Hard copy available for purchase (
  • Online on this site

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2nd Ward Day of Service

Just recently, the "Current Needs" link on the Provident Living website (Humanitarian Center) link - had this message.  Quite a surprise with all the recent disasters throughout the world.  But notice, the line that says to... "consider other ways to serve, including supporting agencies in your community that serve the poor and needy".

Below you'll find a great example (thanks to the 2nd Ward for sharing!) of doing just that.  They reached out to the community to identify a way to serve here in our own South Jordan City.

They also sent pictures so we could see the happy, joyful spirit that was there as they participated.  It looks like they had a fabulous time visiting and renewing friendships as they served.

Here is a description of what went on:

We called it, "Sisters To the Rescue" and completed nearly 40 fleece blankets and 8 baby quilts with more in progress.  They will be distributed to Project Linus and to the South Jordan Fire Department.  Recently one of Shauna's (Shauna Nielsen - the 2nd Ward RS President) little granddaughters received one of these blankets when she experienced a medical emergency - so we know firsthand how much these blankets mean to the children who receive them during frightening situations in their young lives.

Some of our sisters cut the fleece blankets ahead of time, some were able to help that night -and still others are working on binding the completed quilts.  We really tried to involve some of the less active sisters and others that we just don't see as often in this project.