Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Do You Have Talent?" - 6th Ward RS Birthday

The 6th Ward had such a fun theme for their birthday celebration this year.  Tonya Steel (working with Heather Wilson and their RS Meeting Committee) came up with a great way to focus on talents of the special sisters in their ward.  Each table was decorated to represent a talent their sisters share with others. As you can see, there were many spotlighted - and in President Louise Evenson's talk, she pointed out many others that are not as visual (but equally as important and valued)

Knitting, Crocheting, Handwork



Sewing & Dressmaking


Mothering & Childcare


Genealogy & Family History

After a "Make Your Own Cafe Rio Salad" dinner - everyone was invited to write down their name, phone number, and a talent they could share with someone on a card.  The cards were shuffled and redistributed.  Then everyone had 60 seconds to trade - but only if the one they received was not applicable in their own situation (such as childcare received by someone who has no children at home, etc...)  So many fun ideas!

Bishop Irving escorts a sweet 6th Ward sister.

Enjoying the fruits of "Cake Wars"

They also had a "Cake Wars" competition.  So MANY fun cakes... and awards received by everyone who participated.  They were sliced and served while Louise shared her talk.  What a wonderful way to celebrate sisterhood in the 6th Ward Relief Society.

The participants in the "Cake Wars" talent show

Sunday, March 17, 2013

5th Ward RS Birthday - Step Back in Time

The Fifth Ward's RS Birthday social was a walk down memory lane... 

Tables were beautifully decorated with fresh flowers, old fashioned hankies, gloves, and those (delicious!) handmade cream cheese mints.

Throughout the room there were beautiful old-time special touches... doilies, hats, recipes with signatures of wives of past prophets, photo albums, yearbooks, books, and jewelry of yesteryear.

Following dinner, Diane Kenison spoke about the timelessness of Relief Society as the many birthday cakes were enjoyed.

The Young Women modeled their mothers', grandmothers' & aunts' clothing from years ago.  Many were heirlooms, some were old prom queen dresses, cheerleading outfits, wedding dresses, and dresses from the early 1900's.  

This fashion show was no easy undertaking... lining up the dresses in the hall with descriptions and who would model them.  

Lori Young and the many sisters on her committee put together the ultimate birthday social!  

Aren't these beautiful Young Women?
Soon to be our Relief Society Sisters!