Monday, June 1, 2009
You're Invited:
Please invite your Enrichment Leaders - and also your committee members - to view this blog and contribute! It's a win-win situation to share ideas with one another...
I have added each of the Enrichment Counselors as "authors" on this blog. That means that (once you accept the invitation to join this blog) you are allowed to use the "New Post" feature at the top right to add your own ideas in a post.
If you have an Enrichment Leader and/or committee members who you would like to be able to contribute as well - please send me their name and email and I will add them. This will enable them to participate as you can.
A Great Way to Involve Mothers, their Young Women daughters, and Women of ALL Ages...

Dear River Stake Enrichment Committees;
Here is another idea for a possible "Focus" in your upcoming enrichment planning... When I read this in the Church News a month back, it really stood out to me as a way to involve more sisters in your Enrichment activities in a meaningful way...
This could be a great way to link together those sisters who are working in the Young Women in your ward, help mothers and daughters work together on a common goal, and help those young sisters who are transitioning into the Relief Society feel a part of this unusual Enrichment activity. Everyone wins! It would be appropriate for sisters of any age or circumstance...
On April 18th (in the Church News) there was an article entitled "A Return to Virtue" - where it describes a new pamphlet detailing the new Virtue value experiences. Sister Elaine S. Dalton (YW General President) said this:
"As we call for a return to virtue, we would like to ask all young women, their mothers, and their leaders to complete this additional value experience."
"We promise each young woman, their mothers, and each leader who goes the extra mile and completes this new value experience will receive additional blessings of strength, confidence, and peace."
In fact, Sister Dalton and her counselors feel so strongly that each young woman complete the experience that they are completing it themselves. For example, Sister Mary N. Cook, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, is working on it with her mother.
The value project for the new virtue experience is to read the entire Book of Mormon.
"What can help strengthen any young woman's virtue?" said Sister Cook. "It would be a greater understanding of the Book of Mormon."
The value experiences require young women to define virtue and analyze the promised blessings of being virtuous, to understand the importance of having the companionship of the Holy Ghost, to study the questions from Alma in the Book of Mormon (Alma 5) and to repent and remain pure and worthy. "It is a personal evaluation of your standing before the Lord," said Sister Dibb.
If you have any ideas on how to implement this in your ward enrichment planning - please leave a comment or question...
Good luck with your planning!
Love, Anne
Spiritual Development Ideas...
Spiritual Development
Hero's Night - We held a hero's night where we had some speakers come and talk to us about their service with the military. One speaker had served in Vietnam and another was a current servicemen who had been in Iraq. They focused on how the gospel had helped them through their service. We also honored any current servicemen that we had serving in our ward. We honored them and their mothers. Then we had refreshments afterward and put together packages to send to the troops. It was a great night with lots of tears!
Scripture Study - Have a class on how to study the scriptures, using cross references etc. Use a dynamic teacher in your own ward or stake, or an exceptional return missionary who is still "on fire" from preaching the Gospel. If promoted correctly, this could be a great continuing enrichment activity.