Monday, June 1, 2009

Spiritual Development Ideas...

I found these ideas on a website called Although we are discouraged from getting our "inspiration" from only the the internet - these had some merit.

Spiritual Development

Hero's Night - We held a hero's night where we had some speakers come and talk to us about their service with the military. One speaker had served in Vietnam and another was a current servicemen who had been in Iraq. They focused on how the gospel had helped them through their service. We also honored any current servicemen that we had serving in our ward. We honored them and their mothers. Then we had refreshments afterward and put together packages to send to the troops. It was a great night with lots of tears!

Scripture Study - Have a class on how to study the scriptures, using cross references etc. Use a dynamic teacher in your own ward or stake, or an exceptional return missionary who is still "on fire" from preaching the Gospel. If promoted correctly, this could be a great continuing enrichment activity.

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