Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Your Bishop - receiving Priesthood direction about your Ward RS Meetings

We were touched as we visited recently with Jeanne Maw, president of the 3rd Ward, about the specific inspiration their Bishop - Bishop Porter - has received for the sisters of their ward.  It is exactly the type of relationship that was described by Sister Julie Beck in the September 2009 General RS Meeting (see specific references at the end of this post...)  Since they have followed his counsel, the attendance at their meetings has been amazing, and sisters are participating that rarely attended before.

Jeanne shared this with us...

"Bishop Porter told me he attended the training meeting with Sister Sweat right after last General Conference and during that he said he felt very inspired that our sisters in our ward needed to connect and uplift, edify and instruct each other.  So he said he thought a simple dinner each month would be great.  (this is the part where he messed up, our sisters never do anything "simple"!!!)  He also had the idea that each cul de sac within our ward boundaries would take a turn at furnishing the dinner.  He gave us $50/month, but later upped it to $75.  Honestly, when he told me this plan I thought he was nuts!  But now I can see how inspired he truly was."

From Sister Beck...

Under the direction of the bishop, the ward Relief Society presidency can use these meetings to address spiritual and temporal needs of individuals and families in the ward and to strengthen sisterhood and unity.

The ward Relief Society president oversees all Relief Society meetings. As part of this responsibility, she counsels regularly with the bishop regarding how these meetings can help meet the needs of individuals and families in the ward.

The Relief Society presidency prayerfully considers how often they should hold Relief Society meetings during the week and where they should hold them. They then make a recommendation to the bishop, taking into consideration the time commitments of sisters, family circumstances, travel distance and cost, financial cost to the ward, safety, and other local circumstances.

Relief Society leaders prayerfully counsel together about the topics that will strengthen sisters and their families and about the best ways to teach those topics. The Relief Society president ensures that these plans are approved by the bishop

Every bishop has the responsibility for his specific ward. Each ward Relief Society president has a calling to assist one bishop. Each bishop and Relief Society presidency have had hands laid on their heads to receive inspiration for their particular responsibilities and not for any other ward or group of Relief Society sisters.

If we work with this understanding, we will seek revelation and work in companionship with a bishop to fulfill the purposes of Relief Society in our own wards.

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