Monday, December 17, 2012

Opportunity for Giving

The McCoy family in our Stake (our former Stake Relief Society President Lani McCoy and her Daughters-in-Law Tara McCoy and Jessica McCoy and their families) are undertaking a wonderful quilt-making service project. They are trying to help the Sandy Hook Elementary students cope with Friday's tragedy.  As a family they are trying to accomplish this feat, but would love any help you can offer. 

In their own words . . .

"I have thought a lot about the tragic events that took place on Friday. I have wanted to help in some way. I have wanted to reach out and let these families and these children know that as a nation we are praying for them and wishing the best for them. The thought came to me that maybe I could convince my family and friends to help me make enough quilts for each of the students at Sandy Hook Elementary. Growing up, a homemade flannel quilt always made me feel safe and loved. That is the feeling I would like to give these children. I know that it will take much more than a quilt but maybe a quilt could help a little. If you are interested in helping, please let me know." 

Quilt dimensions: The quilts need to be flannel on both sides, 45 x 60 with 11 ounce batting and tied with yarn. They need to be done by January 15th. If you want to help but time is too short we welcome donations of materials or money to buy the materials as well. Thanks!"

How you can help:
  1. make one or more flannel quilt(s) as described above; finished and delivered to Lani McCoy's home (10828 South 1255 West) by January 15
  2. assist in tying and binding (see "When and Where" below)
  3. donating for supplies as they are trying to make a quilt for every student of the elementary - not just the families of the victims  (deliver to Lani ASAP)
  4. lend quilting frames (contact Lani as she's trying to route out as many as possible for this Saturday - see "When and Where" below)

When and Where:
The red church building (1249 W 10775 S, South Jordan) is reserved Saturday, December 22, from 10am - 3pm. You can drop off finished quilts, supplies, and/or your hands to help assemble, tie, and bind quilts. You can also drop off items to Lani McCoy. The deadline for finished quilts is January 15, 2013.

While they acknowledge that this is a hard time of year with stress and strain on everyone, any help you can give is deeply and graciously accepted. If you have any questions, contact Lani McCoy 801-254-6330 or Tara McCoy at 801-867-4515 or Jessica MCoy at 801-254-7757.

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