Tuesday, March 5, 2013

8th Ward RS Birthday - "Get Purse-onal"

The 8th Ward held their birthday social using a "Purse" theme.  In past years we have enjoyed other wards' adaptation of this theme - and these 8th Ward sisters "PURSE-ONALIZED" it to make it totally unique to them!

Each table was decorated differently - each with a different hand-made tempting dessert as the centerpiece.

Tamra Adams, Paula Hardy

Jill Petersen (RS President) & Dianne Blaney

A beautiful buffet of items to make chef's salad was arranged.  Before lining up to enjoy salads, there were a few games (following the purse theme) going on.  Points for purse contents, most unusual item, heaviest purse, lightest purse, etc...  We learned a LOT about each other based on the contents of our bags!

Following dinner, we enjoyed hearing Anjie Barney (of the 1st Ward) speak on how we as women have many talents, traits, and abilities that make us unique.  As unique as the contents of our purse.

Sister Anjie Barney - of the 1st Ward - is seated at the far right.
She was the speaker tonight.

A few more games, and everyone had a sampling of the dessert "centerpieces" on each of the tables.  Isn't sisterhood delicious?!

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