Friday, July 10, 2009

Pioneer Day is coming...

This is probably too MUCH too LATE, but maybe you can use this in your planning for next summer? I found this on the Visiting Teaching Tips blog (in the sidebar to the right...) Using some of these ideas in an enrichment activity might be a good lesson in "making do with what we have"...

Pioneer Recipes

To go to the links to find these pioneer recipes, you will need to copy and paste the link in the address bar. Enjoy your reading. Katie G.

You can find the following Pioneer Recipes by going to this link

Buttermilk Doughnuts-“Pioneer Recipes,” Friend, July 1975, 40 (President Brignam Young enjoyed this pastry)
Apple Candy
Bread and Milk - President Wilford Woodruff often enjoyed this.
Old-Fashioned Muffins - Horseshoe Cookies
Johnnycake - A favorite dish of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Washboard Cookies
Toasted Spicecake
Pioneer Hardtack

Homemade Butter - I found this cute blog that shows the process for making homemade butter in a jar. go to


I found a cute cookbook that you can read portions of it online called "Log Cabin Cooking" and you can find it at this link


Pioneer Soap
106 ounces rendered fat, or tallow, or combination of both
14 ounces lye
41 ounces cold water
NOTE - If you use rendered kitchen fat you may opt to add fragrance to minimize the cooking odors.

If you want a variety of other types of soap recipes go to


You can find more of the Pioneer Recipes found below by going to this link:

Honey Candy
Pioneer Lettuce Salad
Rice in Cream
Molasses Candy


Even More Pioneer recipes found at this link:

Nauvoo Ginger Cookies
Homemade Butter
Old-Fashioned Pickles


Now if all these Pioneer recipes aren't enough for you, then go to the following link and you will find all kinds of recipes and even more fun things. t


Yet even some more recipes that you have not yet seen go to

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